Partnering with Bloom & Wild

Bloom & Wild are working hard to create a diverse and inclusive culture where everyone’s perspectives are valued, and everyone can thrive. Following an initial donation last year in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, the London-based online florist has now taken their support further by selecting Blueprint for All as one of their charitable partners who will benefit from their ongoing cause-related marketing campaign, with a donation to Blueprint for All being made every time a sale occurs through their Instagram page.

We caught up with Head of Brand, Jo Reason, to discuss what led Bloom & Wild to Blueprint for All and the benefits of this partnership to them and their employees.

The Black Lives Matter Movement made us realise we could do more to support Black communities, so we committed to making changes across our business
Jo Reason, Bloom & Wild

What attracted Bloom & Wild to supporting Blueprint for All?

Back in June 2020, the Black Lives Matter Movement made us realise we could do more to support Black communities, so we committed to making changes across our business. One of these initiatives was to work with a charity that works to improve the lives of underrepresented groups. Blueprint for All was the perfect fit, especially as we both have roots in South London.

Why is a relationship with Blueprint for All so important to Bloom & Wild?

Creating a diverse team is a huge priority at Bloom & Wild. We welcome people from all backgrounds, with different perspectives, ideas, and experiences to work with us, so Blueprint for All’s mission to set the foundations for a more inclusive society really speaks to us.

We hope that our partnership will continue to educate our staff, stakeholders, and customers on the fantastic work being done by Blueprint for All.
Jo Reason, Bloom & Wild

How has your Bloom & Wild chosen to support us?

Following the donation we made in 2020, we made the decision to make Blueprint for All one of our ongoing charity partners for 2021. We’ll be donating 10% of profits from sales via our Instagram to our four charity partners. We will also be raising awareness of Blueprint for All’s fantastic work both internally with our team and externally with our customers.

What sort of effect do you think partnering with Blueprint for All will have on your staff, stakeholders, customers?

We announced our annual partnership internally at the end of last year and had a brilliant reaction from everyone at Bloom & Wild. We hope that our partnership will continue to educate our staff, stakeholders, and customers on the fantastic work being done by Blueprint for All.

Since commencing their partnership with us in 2020, Bloom & Wild have already raised £7,500, and hope to double this by the end of the year.

We are thrilled to see forward-thinking companies like Bloom & Wild embracing new ways of generating support, awareness, and donations for our organisation. We are eternally grateful for their commitment to fund our work with young people and communities, to create an inclusive society in which everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity or background can thrive.

You can discover more about Bloom & Wild here.

Become a Corporate Partner

For more information on Corporate Partnerships with Blueprint for All, please contact Senior Corporate Relationship Manager, Ewan Tuohy –

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