Early Career

We support young people in the early stages of their career by working with employers to connect young people with mentors, internships and work experience.

Diverse Recruitment

Our ground-breaking partnership with recruitment specialist urban connects skilled people from under-represented groups with employers in the built environment who want to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Through the #BeMoreInclusive programme, urban connects part 1 graduates with job opportunities, detailed CV advice and interview preparation.

Find out more about #BeMoreInclusive and how urban can help your recruitment process by contacting Mark Nagle mark@bemoreurban.com.

Find out more

Industry Insights

Our programme of online talks provides industry insights and approaches to career building for those looking for their first job or beginning their career.

View our upcoming events


Opportunities for all

In 2023, we launched our new online Opportunities Hub, My Blueprint for All. It connects ambitious young people with jobs, work experience, internships and mentoring opportunities with employers that would normally be out of their reach.

Through My Blueprint for All, organisations will have access to a rich mix of talent that they often struggle to reach and young people will get the support they need to begin their career.

Register your company’s interest in joining the opportunities hub.

Career Resources

Our series of resources including videos and free-to-download toolkits are packed with information and practical guidance to help young people learn about different careers and the pathways into them.

Find out more

Upcoming Programmes

Becoming an Entrepreneur

Becoming an Entrepreneur

Do you dream of being your own boss? Have you got a great idea for a business, but don’t know how to launch it? Or perhaps, you are already self-employed or freelancing and looking to maximise your potential?

Find out more and apply