Leave a gift in your Will

By remembering Blueprint for All in your will you are showing your commitment to a better future for young people.

Your legacy won’t cost you anything today, but your support will ensure that the talented young people of tomorrow are provided with inspiration, opportunities and support that will enable them to succeed, regardless of their race, ethnicity or background.

We understand that your friends and family come first but once they are accounted for, leaving a legacy to Blueprint for All will help keep our vital work for years to come.

How leaving a legacy can impact our work

When you include Blueprint for All in your Will you are doing something extraordinary. Your legacy will live on when you have passed away, empowering young people to create a future which they deserve and changing their lives for the better.

No matter the size of your donation you will still have an incredible impact on the young people that we work with.

Dorneka was awarded one of our bursaries and this is what she had to say about the different that Blueprint for All made to her:

“Being a part of the Blueprint For All Programme has changed the trajectory of my life. The first year of architectural study can often be about experimentation and finding your feet in the field of architecture, as you jump into the unknown.

In the second year, however, there is an expectation of an increase of work quality, a deeper integration of theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as more care and attention taken to your future in the industry and career opportunities. Trying to balance this financially can be extremely difficult. I feel extremely lucky to have received the help from Blueprint For All.”

“I’m very confident in the work and future of Blueprint for All and want them to feel that they have line of sight of money that today they don’t have but could have, hopefully in about 30 years’ time!”
Tracey Harrison, Legacy Donor

How to include Blueprint for All in your Will

If you currently don’t have a Will and would like to create one you can use our free will writing service run by our expert partner Octopus Legacy to leave a gift in your will to Blueprint for All. Interested?

Find out more

If you already have a will but would like it to be amended to include a gift to Blueprint for All you may find our legacy factsheet helpful. It explains different types of gift you can leave in your Will as well as suggested wording, which you can share with your solicitor.

We are here to help

If you would like to discuss details of your Will in confidence with one of the team, please contact us by phone on 020 8100 2800 or at fundraising@blueprintforall.org

Legacy giving

You can download our legacy giving factsheet, which includes information on the type of gift you can leave. It also includes our suggested wording, which you can share with your solicitor as a starting point for including Blueprint for All in your Will.


Read Blueprint for All Legacy Donor, Tracey Harrison's full story

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