Entrepreneurship & Innovation - sign up today Name* First Last Email* Mobile number* Postcode* Ethnicity* (Eg, Asian, Black British, Mixed Race)Location* London Manchester Birmingham Other Please confirm your date of birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Where did you hear about this programme? Are you currently in employment, education or training? Yes No Which areas do you feel you need support in?* Access to motivational and inspirational guidance What I can do to boost my employability Understanding the fundamentals of building a business How to be your own boss Accessing various entrepreneurial pathways Learning about the range of professional options and possible career paths All of the above By submitting this application, you are committing to attend all Group Mentoring sessions. I understand By submitting this application, you are committing to attend on all dates specified. I understand By submitting this application, you agree to receive email, phone call, and SMS notifications. I understand Date MM slash DD slash YYYY