Feedback, compliments, and complaints policy

1. Introduction

1.1. The purpose of this policy is to define the process for managing feedback, compliments, and complaints from donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants and stakeholders. The policy serves as Blueprint for All is committed to the highest standards of fundraising practice and as such, we aim to adhere to the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice at all times.

1.2. Blueprint for All use these set of standards to ensure we use and learn from feedback and compliments and ensure a fair outcome.

1.3. All complaints are taken seriously and we seek to address them in a timely and appropriate manner to satisfy our donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants and stakeholders.

1.4. Feedback, compliments, or complaints can be provided by all Blueprint for All donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants and stakeholders.

2. Scope and applicability

2.1. At Blueprint for All, we strive to ensure that all interactions with our current and potential donors, supporters and participants are of the highest quality. However, we understand that there may be occasions when you wish to register a complaint.

2.2. This document is for those who wish to provide feedback, compliments, or raise a complaint regarding Blueprint for All and our services. It outlines the process for providing feedback or lodging a complaint, including the associated timelines and our complaint escalation procedure.

3. Purpose and objectives

3.1. This document sets out the process Blueprint for All staff are required to adopt when handling feedback, compliments or managing complaints.

General principles include:

a) We provide a clear and easy way for Blueprint for All customers to provide feedback, compliments or raise a complaint

b) You should complain if you do not consider that Blueprint for All in its fundraising practices has met the standards of the Fundraising Regulator in being respectful, open and honest in our communications or if you are not satisfied with some other aspect of our fundraising.

c) we will investigate our donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants and stakeholders, or their authorised representative* complaints free of charge

d) we do not consider social media as a direct channel for raising a complaint

e) complainants’ information and personal data are treated with due care and respect in line with our fair processing notice (FPN).

* If an individual is raising a complaint on behalf of a customer, we would require prior consent from the complainant to start our investigations.

4. Terms and definitions

4.1. Policy:
A policy document usually consists of series of statements and commitments and/or requirements and expectations that must be followed, for example to ensure compliance with a legal obligation.

4.2. Commitment:
A commitment sets out its promise to customers outlining the standard of service that can be expected to be received.

4.3. Fair processing notice (FPN):
A legal document which the Information Commissioner can issue to a data controller, requiring him or her to supply information to the Information Commissioner so that they can assess whether the data controller is complying with the Data Protection Act or Freedom of Information Act.

4.4. Donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants and stakeholders:
Throughout this policy where we reference ‘donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants or stakeholders this is synonymous with ‘you’.

5. Our commitment

5.1. Our aim is to exceed expectations by providing outstanding service and support across each of our contact channels. We will do this by:

a) sharing the details of who is handling a complaint

b) providing accurate, clear information and advice in all communications

c) providing regular updates throughout the process (as required)

d) respond in a professional way, providing a clear explanation or an apology where things have gone wrong

e) learning from feedback, compliments, and complaints to continually improve our service.

6. Confidentiality

6.1. We will manage all complaints with respect and confidentiality. There may be a need to share the details of your complaint with other teams at Blueprint for All. More information on how we use your data can be found here.

7. Fundraising continuous improvement

7.1. Blueprint for All is focused on delivering a high standard of service to our fundraisers. We are also committed to continuously improving our processes and responses to our fundraisers considering any feedback that we receive.

7.2. All complaints are analysed on an on-going basis to identify and address any recurring or systematic issues.

7.3. Regular training, support and information is provided to Blueprint for All staff members on our complaints process and the feedback we receive.

7.4. Staff participating in complaint handling, are adequately trained to recognise and identify complaint indicators, deal with complaints and be aware of processes and procedures.

7.5. If you have exhausted Blueprint for All complaints policy and you still feel your complaint relating to fundraising has not been resolved, you have the right to escalate your concerns to the Fundraising Regulator, who will make a final adjudication. You can contact them via the online complaint form.

8. Providing feedback or compliments

8.1. At Blueprint for All, we aim to provide an efficient and effective service that is valued by all our donors, supporters, fundraisers, participants and stakeholders. We strive for continuous improvement and so value all feedback or compliments about how we are doing or details about how we can improve our service either when you contact us or when using any of our services.

8.2. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have and to listen to their ideas for improvement, compliments, or complaints.

8.3. If we have done something well or you have a general comment or suggestion about how we can improve things, we want to know. We review all feedback and aim to identify and act on any appropriate actions identified at the earliest opportunity.

8.4. Feedback or compliments can be provided via our online feedback form.

9. Complaint definition

9.1. We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction relating to one of Blueprint for All services and where there is an expectation for us to investigate the cause of the problem and to provide a resolution or remedial action

9.2. We are committed to providing a high-quality service but understand that sometimes things can go wrong.

9.3. Many matters can be resolved informally so our Customer Support team should be contacted in the first instance as we may be able to resolve any concerns straight away.

9.4. We recognise that there will be occasions where a more formal complaint may need to be made whether that is relating to the service we have provided, one of our products or the complaints handling process itself.

9.5. Examples of complaints:

Examples of situations which may warrant a complaint to be raised are listed below (please note this list is neither definitive nor exhaustive):

a) Quality of the service received when contacting us

b) not meeting the standards of the Fundraising Regulator

c) not satisfied with some aspects of Blueprint for All fundraising

d) quality or content of resources

e) processes not followed correctly.

10. Raising a complaint

10.1. A complaint can be made by completing our Online complaints form.

Alternatively, you can raise a complaint by the following:

Complaints relating to fundraising:

All other non-fundraising complaints, you can email our Operations Team at

10.2. When completing the form, or contacting us, please provide us with as much information as possible so that we can investigate the complaint thoroughly. The completed complaint form will be assigned to the most appropriate member of staff, who will manage the investigation and share the outcome.

10.3. Anonymous complaints will not be responded to, although we will respect anonymity should you wish to not be identified.

10.4. If Blueprint for All receives information which suggests that there may be a safeguarding issue, then this will also be dealt with in accordance with its Safeguarding Policy.

11. Process and timeline

11.1. Complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days along with confirmation of Blueprint for All complaint handling process (unless a full answer is possible at that time).

11.2. Complaints will be assigned, and the investigation managed by an appropriate member of staff, details of which will be provided.

11.3. All relevant information and evidence will be gathered to ensure a complaint is investigated in a fair way.

11.4. We aim to resolve a complaint and provide a response within 10 working days.

11.5. In providing our response, we will ensure that we have investigated the complaint thoroughly and provide an explanation and outcome to the concerns that have been raised.

11.6. Where this may not be possible, or in more complex cases, we will make contact to update you on our progress and indicate when our investigations are likely to be completed along with a deadline by which we should be able to provide a full response.

11.7. The outcome of a response to your complaint will be communicated in plain language, without technical language or abbreviations.

12. If you are not happy with the outcome

12.1. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may ask for the matter to be escalated.

12.2. Escalated complaints will be referred to the relevant member of Blueprint for All senior management team to provide a further response.

12.3. To escalate a complaint, an explanation should be provided clearly stating why and providing any additional, relevant information that is appropriate.

12.4. If we do not hear back from you after 10 working days of providing our response, we will consider your complaint to be resolved and the case will be closed. However, if you come back after 10 working days, we may re-open your case, unless the nature of your complaint has changed, in which case a new complaint with a reference number will be opened.

12.5. For all escalated complaints:
Contact Blueprint for All by email at:

a) The escalation, as well as any additional information provided, will be reviewed by the appropriate manager.

b) We will ensure that the correct processes were followed during the initial complaint process and relevant considerations applied where appropriate.

c) All escalations will be acknowledged within 5 working day, and a final response can take up to 20 working days from acknowledgement, thereby exhausting the Blueprint for All complaint process.

d) If you still feel your complaint relating to fundraising has not been resolved, you have the right to escalate your concerns to the Fundraising Regulator, who will make a final adjudication. You can contact them via the online complaint form.