Financial Services Pathway Recruitment 2023 Name First Last Age Location Email PhoneAre you of diverse ethnic heritage? Yes No Which option best describes yourself: Female Male Non-Binary or Gender-Nonconforming Prefer not to say Other Where did you hear about this programme? Which of the below best describes your status: Unemployed Employed (full time) Employed (Part time) Self employed Student Which aspects of the programme are you most excited for? Tick all that apply: Job opportunities Workplace visit Workshops Access to resources Are you interested in being mentored as part of the Financial Services Pathway? Yes No APPLICATIONS FOR MENTORING HAVE NOW CLOSED, PLEASE SKIP THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.Job title (If applicable) Name of the course you are studying (If you are a student) Please choose from the below list of skills that you would like support in from a mentor or skills you would like to support a mentee in(Required) Select All Career direction Communication Confidence and public speaking Decision making Emotional intelligence Negotiation Networking Pitching Resilience (growth mindset) Time management Tell us about your hobbies and interestsAre there any challenges you want to overcome as part of your mentoring experience?Do you have a preference of mentor? Male Female Don't mind If you are successful, you will be required to commit to meeting your mentor at least once per month. Meetings can be conducted virtually or face to face. I agree to commit N.B. We will host a virtual meet & greet session with your mentor on 21st March from 5:15-6pm. We strongly encourage all mentees to attend this session in order to gain the most from their mentoring experience. You can use this time to ask questions and meet other mentors and mentees on the programme. Please confirm that you accept Blueprint for All to use your contact information to contact you about this programme and other programmes that we provide in future. You will need to accept this to be able to continue with your application.(Required) I confirm that Blueprint for All can contact me using the information provided