The Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 transformed our small charity. The support we received from corporates and individuals has enabled us to extrapolate our reach and impact, like never before. But we are not willing to stop now, much more needs to be done to create a fairer society where young people from minority and disadvantaged communities can achieve their potential.
What did Blueprint for All achieve from 2020-2021?
- We have generated unprecedented corporate support. 400+ new corporates who have engaged with us during the past year. This engagement has ranged from donations to strategic funding, to partnership programme delivery, fundraising and pro bono expertise.
- We have engaged face-to-face with 500 new beneficiaries on our careers programme, and our resources have been shared with over 2,000 new young people.
- We have been awarded Charity of the Year status by 25 partners, running a variety of innovative fundraisers and awareness campaigns with the help
of staff, customers, and stakeholders. - We plan to embed each of our programme strands within England and Wales. With continued support, we can increase our presence across all regions of the UK by replicating our BME Network in every region where our evidence shows the need is the greatest.
- 25,000+ individuals have donated to Blueprint for All, allowing us to deliver tangible opportunities for our beneficiaries.
- There has been a 100% increase in core bursary recipients in 2020, each receiving substantial assistance to fund their higher education.
- Our network of corporate partners has helped amplify our #ChangeMakers campaign to a reach of almost 3.5 million, bringing our purpose to new audiences.
- We are working with young adults in all career sectors across the UK.
- Doubled the size of our team, increasing our capacity to engage with our community members and leaders, to create essential resources and deliver workshops, and to provide an enhanced experience for our growing pool of beneficiaries.
- Through our consultancy, we have advised, guided, and consulted with ~250 FTSE 350 organisations – who are determined to drive UK plc success, achieve systemic change and influence policymakers.