Partnering with Blueprint for All is more than just increasing the diversity and inclusion in the workplace – it is about actively making the change form the bottom up to make sure that the workplace is structured in a way to support the needs of their employees of diverse ethnic heritages. Cole Brook Bosson Saunders, River Island, JageX, Hawkins\Brown, ING Media and many more have made that commitment. So why don’t you?
Dedicated to a fairer future for all, some of our partners attended an event during Black History Month, for a open conversation on their workplace dynamics. The understanding was that we were all here to create a safe space to talk freely and honestly. The day was more than educational, and everyone left the room with a better perspective on improvements that need to be made. One of the topics of conversation involved the #WeBelongHere report – a report that gave young people of diverse ethnic heritages the chance to enter the conversation when it comes the terminology that is used to define them within society.
Get to know our Partners
Hear from Andy Humphreys the Managing Director at Colebrook Bosson Saunders…