Building Futures Programme

A series of workshops, career resources, bursaries and job opportunities for young people of diverse ethnic heritage entering the Built Environment industry.

If you are considering a career in architecture, are already studying or are working in the profession and would like to join our Building Futures programme, join today.

You can join in at any time and commit to as many sessions as you want.

Building Futures programme support includes:

  • Financial support – to help students with the cost of study, including architecture field trips, model making equipment, laptop, printing costs, and living costs.
  • Specialist online workshops – facilitated by industry experts to help students expand their skills and strengthen their job applications.
  • Industry in practice – visits to live construction projects and architecture offices to learn how architecture theory is put into practice.
  • Mentoring – to explore personal challenges and find solutions, from portfolio building to finding a work placement.
  • Showcasing your work – online, at exhibitions and through our network.
  • Peer networking – with peers from other universities and alumni of the programme provides informal support and insights.
  • Ambassador role – All our students, past and present, are ambassadors for Blueprint for All, which includes opportunities to attend and speak at a diverse range of events.

Join the Programme

If you are considering a career in architecture, are already studying or are working in the profession and would like to join our Building Futures programme, apply to join our next cohort.


To be eligible to join our Building Futures Programme you must be aged 17+, living in the UK, and of diverse ethnic heritage.


Next Workshop

Find out more about the next workshop in the Building Futures programme

Head over to MBfA for all the info!

Looking for a job after your Part 1?

Through our Inclusion in Equity Partnership, Rhythm Careers connect Part 1 architecture graduates on our Building Futures programme with job opportunities in the built environment; supporting candidates with detailed CV advice and interview preparation.

When a Blueprint for All candidate is hired, Rhythm Careers ask the employer to donate to Blueprint for All. You can read more about this partnership HERE 

“I would like to extend my huge gratitude and appreciation of the generosity of the bursary donors. I am continuing my masters in Architecture at the University of Manchester. Being selected for this, to me is an affirmation of the trajectory I want to achieve in the field of Architecture.”
Remi Phillips, Building Futures Programme Class of 2020